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COVID-19 Symptoms Assessment

Personal Information

Are you fully vaccinated against Covid-19?

Fully vaccinated means 2 weeks after your second dose in a 2-dose series, such as Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s

Have you had your RT-PCR test done?

If yes, please indicate information:

Upload test result here

Select File

Are you a Close Contact Person to a Confirmed Covid-19 Case?

Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? 

Fever or chills



Shortness or difficulty of breathing


Muscle or

body aches


Loss of taste or smell

Sore throat



List of Close Contact Persons

Close contact means:

  1. face to face contact with or without facemask within 1 meter for more than 15 minutes e.g., talking, meeting

  2. direct physical contact e.g., shake hands, cheek greetings

  3. direct care for confirmed or suspect for Covid-19 without using approved PPE

  4. persons you ate with (indoor, regardless of distance), (outdoor within or less than 1 meter distance)

Thank you for completing this Covid-19 Symptoms Assessment.

Who to contact:




More Information


What to do if you are sick:

Kindly accomplish the web-based questionnaire for assessment


Minimum Health Protocol and Procedures

  • Please stay healthy, practice handwashing more often, sanitize your area at home and follow home quarantine protocols such as:

  • Staying home for 14 days

  • You must separate yourself from other household members.

  • Use a separate bedroom and bathroom if possible.

  • Do not share utensils, dishes, cups/glasses, bedding, towels, and other personal items to other members of your family.

  • Let us know if you developed symptoms or any additional Covid-19 related symptoms during your quarantine.

  • The Barangay/ Local Government Unit will also contact you as part of the mandatory protocol, they will also help us in managing the situation.  

  • Most LGUs have their Resident Doctors, they'll do online consultation as necessary

  • Taking vitamins and eating nutritious food will help in building up good immune system and fast recovery

  • Keep us updated of your condition and do not hesitate to contact us

  • The School Tracing Team will contact you anytime soon with regard to this matter as part of the protocol

  • Confidentiality of the information is always being considered


Where to do testing:

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German European School Manila

Eurocampus, 75 Swaziland Street

Better Living Subdivision

1711 Parañaque City, Philippines


Tel: +63-2-8776-1000



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