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Volleyball Semi-Finals at BSM

by Julia Krstovic

We are delighted to announce that our U18 girls' team achieved an impressive 3rd place in the volleyball tournament at BSM! The semi-final against Southville was an exciting opportunity for our talented players to showcase their skills and compete against other schools. They narrowly missed out on the final with scores of 23-25 and 25-27. In the match for third place against the Everest Huskies, they showed great team spirit and commitment, and deservedly won.

Our GESM U18 boys' team also represented our school admirably. Despite a valiant performance, it was not enough to secure a victory against Ateneo. Nevertheless, they proved to be a strong unit on the field and outstanding team players who support and motivate each other. They were narrowly defeated by BSM, thus missing out on a podium finish.

This year's volleyball tournament was not only a sporting highlight but also a wonderful example of the strong community at our school. While our two teams gave their best on the field, they were supported by loud cheers from parents and students. This provided additional motivation and inspired the players on the pitch.

We would like to thank all the players for their commitment and dedication. You have made our school proud! Special thanks also go to our coaches Anthony Oca and Florian Simmelbauer, who prepared and supported both teams superbly.


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German European School Manila

Eurocampus, 75 Swaziland Street

Better Living Subdivision

1711 Parañaque City, Philippines

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