
Collaboration: "Discovering Common Ground – Shaping Diversity"
In an impressive display of creativity and teamwork, the Grade 4 students from the German, French, and International sections of...

Creativity and Collaboration: Treaty of Élysée Art Project with GESM and LFM
by Santosh Kumar The Treaty of Élysée Art Collaboration Project between the German European School Manila (GESM) and Lycée Français de...

Celebrating 62 Years of the Élysée Treaty at Eurocampus Manila
The German European School Manila (GESM) and Lycée Français de Manille (LFM) came together this past week to celebrate the 62nd...

Weekend Football Tournament Highlights
This past weekend, our GESM football teams showed remarkable determination and sportsmanship at the football tournament hosted by the BSM. D

Onomatopoeia - Silent Sounds
Die Schüler der Klassen 07D und 08D haben sich, im Rahmen ihres Kunstunterrichts, intensiv mit dem Thema Lautmalerei auseinandergesetzt...

GESM Students Shine in Save the Frogs Art Competition
by Santosh Kumar Students from the English Primary and Secondary recently took part in the Save the Frogs Art Competition 2024. This...

News from Woodworking Club
by Julia Krstovic The Woodworking Club at our school is a space where students get to unleash their creativity and work together to bring...

Christmas Around the World
The theater group of Class 5E at the German European School Manila presented an impressive performance on the theme “Christmas Around the...

LFM-GESM Parents’ Meet-and-Greet
On the morning of December 17, a special parents’ meet-and-greet took place, organized by GESM's Parent Council (Gesamtelternbeirat or...

Gifts Delivered with Heart
A big thank you to our House Captains, and Vice Captain for their hard work in organizing and distributing the excess presents from our...

An Unforgettable Christmas Bazaar: Thank You for Your Support!
Dear Parents, This year’s Christmas Bazaar was a huge success and a wonderful day for both young and old! The kindergarten kicked off the...

Joint Trip to the Water Park: Fun and Encounters
This year, the German elementary school organized a special trip to further strengthen the sense of community. While the students from...

Creative with Paper: Imaginative Works in the Papercraft Club
Our school offers many creative opportunities - and one particularly exciting one is the Crafts with Paper Club! Here the children can...

Creative successes of the robotics club
Every week, our students meet to build robots, program them and realize completely new ideas. At each session, the students work...

The Shoebox Project
These past weeks, GESM students, teachers, and parents came together to fill shoeboxes with gifts for children in need. We were able to...

What a magical day at our Weihnachtsbasar!
On December 14th, the GESM community gathered for our annual Weihnachtsbasar where students, parents, and teachers could meet up and...

Secondary Students' Retreat in Caliraya
Our secondary students and teachers headed to Caliraya last week for a fun retreat! The trip was filled with exciting activities, and...

Coffee Morning: German Primary up close
On December 2 and 3, Mr. Veith Böttcher hosted Coffee Mornings for German Primary parents, offering them a unique opportunity to visit...

St. Nikolaus and Krampus visit our students!
Last week, on December 6th at GESM, we had two very special guests visit our classrooms! It was none other than St. Nikolaus and Krampus!...

Exciting results from our recent chess competition!
Here are the highlights: German European School Manila and many more joined the competition! EIS German Team claimed GOLD in the Under 14...

Natalie Härle Hosts 6-Week Animation Club for CAS Project
As part of her CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) project, Natalie Härle (Grade 12) has launched a 6-week long Animation Club. The club...

Reejashiwin Subramanian (Grade 12) leads a fundraising effort!
Our very own Reejashiwin Subramanian (Grade 12), led a remarkable fundraising effort that made a real difference in the fight against...

Coffee Morning: German Language Learning at GESM
We recently continued our Coffee Morning series with a session focused on German language learning at GESM! Mr. Volker Schlieske, our...

Stage is Set for the Best Readers: Final of the 2024 Vorlesewettbewerb
by Ute Massow After exciting preliminary rounds in grades 5-7, we are thrilled to announce the grand finale of our Vorlesewettbewerb for...