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Board of Directors

As a non-profit organisation, the German European School Manila is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. This Board is elected by the members of the German School Association Manila.


In collaboration with the Head of School, other members of the school management team as well as teachers’ and parents’ representatives, the school’s seven-member Board establishes strategic priorities and supervises their implementation.


The Board is also responsible for fiscal oversight, management of the School’s assets, staff development, and support of fundraising activities.


Organisational matters are regulated and approved by the Board in coordination with the principal. On behalf of the Board, the Head of School is responsible for the daily management of GESM. The Head of School as well as a representative of the German Embassy Manila attend Board meetings as ex officio members.


Upon resolution of the Board, additional persons may participate in an advisory capacity during Board meetings, or may be consulted on individual topics on the agenda. Typical guests are the vice principal, the head of administration, the GEB chairperson or his/her representative, and teachers' representatives. 


All current parents are encouraged to become members of the association and participate in Board elections, as voters or as candidates. 



For more information, or to submit an application for membership in order to attend the next Annual Meeting of the German School Association Manila, allowing you to participate in the next Board Election, please write to


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