
German education: Not an exclusively German privilege
“Last school year, only 1 in every 10 students come from non-German-speaking families. Now, the ratio has gone up to 1 in every 4...

Palarong Pinoy returns!
For the first time since 2019, Palarong Pinoy returns to the Eurocampus!

"Manila Hellau, GESM Alaaf!" - Karneval at the Kindergarten
Bevor es für die Grundschule am Freitag los ging, läuteten der deutsch- und englischsprachige...

Speeches of the Student Representatives
This is the speech given by 4 students who represented GESM and...

30 & 60: Culminating Program of the Joint Celebrations
To mark the 60th Anniversary of the Élysée Treaty and the 30th Anniversary of Eurocampus...

24-Hour Swimming Challenge raises hundreds of thousands in pledges!
6,644 -- This is the number of laps that students, teachers...

Élyseé Treaty at the German, English and French Preschools!
Am Montag, dem 23.1. feierten wir zusammen mit dem englischen...

Christmas @ GESM 2023
For most, it was a feeling lost and now returned. For some, it must have been a realization.

Save the Date: Eurocampus plans big for Élysée Week '23
GESM and the French school LFM are cooking something big...

Shoe Box Project: Delivered
For the second year in a row, GESM students, parents and teachers organized the Shoe Box...

Nikolaustag at the Kindergarten
Am 06. Dezember 2022 war es wieder soweit, der Nikolaus besuchte den...

Our Preschoolers' Advent Calendar
Voller Staunen haben die Vorschulkinder erfahren, dass es schon seit...

Together on St. Martin's Day
...the dark GESM sports field was lit by laughter and togetherness, as much as it was by the lanterns.

From Tetra Paks to Lanterns
Die kleinen Füchse des deutschen Kindergartens haben sich für ihre Laternen...

Language in Motion
Kita am Nachmittag. 14 Uhr! Die ersten Kinder gehen nach Hause...

"Come along to the land of colors"
Eine spielerische Entdeckungsreise durch die bunte Welt der...

New Teachers S.Y. 2022-23
GESM was once again reinforced with a fresh batch of new faculty members! Get to know them all...

GESM Teachers Get Groovy
To loosen things up and get them going to start the school year, our teachers decided they'll do some dancing exercises on their first...

What is Eingewöhnung in a German Kindergarten?
In Germany, settling one's child into kindergarten can be a lengthy process that...

Dancing around the world!
Mit Tänzen rund um die Welt Freunde finden lautete das Motto der diesjährigen Abschlussfeier des deutschen...

Hurray! Our preschoolers have done it!
Am 28. Juni ehrte der Deutsche Kindergarten & International Early Years die Kinder der...

Kindergartners show a preview of performance at year-ender
Our youngest GESM learners are cooking up something for their year-ender on the 29th...

We Are Back!
If it is about summing up this entire school year, there is not much else to say, but this one phrase...

Library reopens to students after 2 years!
After thorough research into the guidelines and safety protocols, including the...