
KiGa kids visit the library!
On 26.4. we visited the library. The children enjoyed the variety of...

Eurocampus celebrates International Women's Day '22
by Sofia Mangilog The librarians from GESM and LFM made an exhibit to remember and recognize the achievements of the famous women who...

Eurocampus holds Olympic torch run
by Shadin Kitma On the morning of Wednesday, April 6, Eurocampus Manila had its first school-wide joint event in more than two years!...

Our little foxes discover Germany
by Christina Bärtges The teachers of the German Kindergarten are pleased to report in this newsletter about happenings in the...

KiGa & Maternelle get together in honor of the Élysée Treaty Anniversary
In honor of the 59th Anniversary of the Élysée Treaty that marks...

Kika-Karneval 2022!
Our youngest learners weren't about to miss out on the Fasching fever...

Through the Lens: A new... new normal?
For nearly two years, the online classes that we have become so...

GESM teachers & students donate relief goods to typhoon Odette victims
Typhoon Odette, also known as Typhoon Rai, was a catastrophic tropical cyclone that ravaged...

GESM Christmas Events '21
December 2021 As usual, a series of Christmas events took over GESM in December. It started with Sankt Nikolaus’ visit right on the first...

German KiGa +Intl Early Years on St. Martin's Day Event
This article is published under the banner of The IB Times, the official student online publication of GESM's senior years programmes (IB...

In-Person Class Makes Its Gradual Return, Students Upbeat
This article is published under the banner of The IB Times, the official student online publication of GESM's senior years programmes (IB...

Triangles to Pyramids
Die Kinder der Vorschule entdecken die Geometrie. Unterstützt durch das Formenlied „Klecks, klecks, klacks" machten sich die Kinder...

"Shadow Witch shrieks and laughs..."
by Sylvie Weyer | 1 October 2021 [This article was translated from German. To read it in the original, please click on the language...

Kindergartners first weeks
German Section Kindergartners explore the 7 continents!

GESM launches Campus TV
We're very proud to present: GESM Campus TV!

Willkommen zurück in der Schule!
von Sylvie Weyer & Nicole Javier | 3 September 2021 [English article follows] Heute begruessten sich der Deutsche und der Internationale...

Admin Head Volker Ross goes through the little things that took place this past school year...

KiGa's and EYP's Joint Year-Ender!
KiGa and EYP kids join together for S.Y. 2020/21's year-ender!

Making School Cones
Our incoming 1st-graders from the Vorschule got their very own school cones!

Mother's Day in Kindergarten
Our Kindergarten class created a magnetic tulip flower pot for Mother's Day! Check out their works here.

Hugo und die Farben – Ostern im Kindergarten
A very diverse programme was thrown for the Kindergarten kids by their teachers!

GESM presents blended learning set-up to German, French ambassadors
The GESM presents its planned blended-learning set-up to German & French ambassadors in a recent visit to the Eurocampus!

100 Vorschultage
Even the kids from the German preschool are celebrating 100 years in the Vorschule!

"Kika Karneval!"
Our kids from the Kindergarten celebrated Karneval last Feb 11 with colorful costumes!