Volume 2018 - Issue 458
April 26, 2018
Liebe Eltern, liebe Schülerinnen und Schüler, liebe Lehrerinnen und Lehrer,​
das Strategiewochenende vom 20. bis zum 22. April war für die DESM ein sehr wichtiges und erfolgreiches Planungswochenende, an dem die Lehrkräfte, Eltern- und Schülervertreter mit der Schulleitung und dem Vorstand intensiv die Überarbeitung des Leitbildes (vision & mission and value statement) der Schule sowie die künftige strategische Ausrichtung der Schule beraten haben. Der Bericht von Herrn Gabel vom Pädagogischen Tag der Lehrkräfte (20.4.) und die dazugehötrigen Fotos vermitteln einen guten Eindruck von der intensiven Arbeitsatmosphäre dieses Tages.
Die Beratungen und Diskussionen zu Leitbild und strategischer Ausrichtung der Schule sind noch nicht abgeschlossen, sie werden in den Gremien der Schule bei weiteren Treffen fortgeführt mit dem Ziel, die strateg. Ausrichtung der Schule zu klären und einen entsprechenden Aktionsplan zu entwickeln.
Über die Teilnahme an einem Musikworkshop am St. Scholastika College vom 13. – 15. April haben wir einen Bericht und Bilder von Natalie Concepcion (Klasse 6 i) erhalten, die uns zeigen, was sie gelernt hat, welche Stücke sie spielte und wozu sie angespornt wurde.
Ankündigungen beziehen sich dieses Mal auf das Programm des Mittwochskinos der Bibliothek und die nächste Veranstaltung des diesjährigen Arts & Music Festivals: Am 4. Mai findet der Instrumental Workshop für unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler statt, wo sie Gelegenheit haben, während zwei Workshops das Spielen von verschiedenen ausgewählten Instrumenten bei erfahrenen Musiklehrern zu üben.
Nächste Woche beginnen am Montag die schriftlichen IB-Prüfungen, die bis zum 18. Mai dauern werden. Dazu wünsche ich allen Teilnehmern der Klasse 12 viel Erfolg und Ausdauer, um den Prüfungsmarathon zu bestehen. Die Klasse 10 D wird am Donnerstag, den 3. Mai ihre mündlichen Testprüfungen absolvieren, um sich so gut auf die mündlichen Prüfungen am 17. Mai vorzubereiten.
Mit den besten Grüßen für ein verlängertes Wochenende

Dear parents, dear students, dear teachers,
GESM´s strategy weekend April 20 to 22 was a very important and successful event for our school when teachers, representatives of the parents and the students as well as school management and the Board of Directors deliberated intensively the revision of our vision & mission & value statement and the future strategic direction of GESM. The report of Mr. Gabel and the pictures clearly show the intense work atmosphere the teachers had during their Pedagogical Day (April 20).
The deliberations on our vision & mission & value statement and the strategic direction of GESM are not completed yet, the stakeholders of GESM will continue to do so until the strategic direction is clear and we have developed an action plan which fits to the strategic direction of GESM.
Natalie Concepcion (grade 6 i) participated in a youth orchestra workshop held at St. Scholastica College last April 13-15. Her report and the pictures show what she learned, which musical pieces she played and what she finally was encouraged to.
Announcements this time refer to the program of the Mittwochskino of our library and the next event of this year´s Art and Music Festival: On May 4 we will have the Instrumental Workshop during which our students will have the opportunity to participate in various instrumental section tutorials mentored by specialist instrumental teachers.
Next week Monday our IB students will start to sit their final IB exams until May 18. I wish our students of grade 12 every success and the necessary endurance to stand this marathon of examinations until the very end. Grade 10 D German section next week on Thursday (May 3) also will have an examination, it is their oral mock exam in order to prepare them well for their final oral examination on May 17.
With kind regards for an extended weekend,
Andreas Thiergen
Head of School

inside this issue

GESM at the St. Scholastica Youth Orchestra Workshop
Some students from the school participated in the Youth Orchestra Workshop in St. Scholastica College last April 13-15. I was the only one who played the violin while Sienna Suzanne Ferrandon, Felicia Simorangkir, Chloe Wincott, and Seher Baskhar played the flute.
During the workshop, I learned more violin tricks and how to read notes and rhythms at the same time with the help of friends I made there. We also learned some basic things like how to hold the violin, how to hold the bow, tuning etc.
During the Gala, we played “Happy” by Pharell Williams, “Minuet Number 3" by Johann Sebastian Bach, and “Are you Sleeping?”. I kept up most of the time and was so happy to be able to just play the notes while reading and without practicing it.
There were also some children aged 5-10 playing intermediate levels on the Cello, Violin and the Viola. The children there played like they were professionals which made me determined to get much better than the others in our school who play an instrument.
Natalie Danielle Concepcion
Grade 6I


All the teachers met in the Acacia hotel in Alabang ot 8:30 am last Saturday to work out a new vision, mission, and values statement for our school that was to be presented to the SMT and Board members on Saturday.
In the course of the day to 43 teachers, assistants, and some of our interns managed to hammer out a concise and expressive text containing their convictions and experiences regarding the educational standards and strategic targets of our school.
At the end of the day, at 4:30 pm, after valuable input given by Ms Heid Wolf Pfeifer, a lot of enthusiastic group work ,and some heated debates, the final version was accepted by vote by the overwhelming majority (Vision 42; Mission 38; Values: 43)
Ms Wolf Pfeifer, the educational consultor and school advisor at ZfA of all German Schools in South East Asia, had been invited as the facilitator of the event by SMT and the Board.
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Taekwondo Competition
On April 29, 2018 Sunday, Eurocampus Taekwwondo team will be having a tournament.
@Reedley International School: Jose C.Cruz, Brgy. Ugong, Pasig, 1604 Metro Manila
8:00am – Onwards

Eurocampus Girls Football team!
1st runner up in the 15th RiFA Cup 2003 and younger division.

Congratulations to our Eurocampus Boys Football team!
2nd runner up in the 15th RiFA Cup 2009 and younger division

RiFA Summer League
May 5, 2018 Saturday

Eurocampus Swim Meet
May 19, 2018 Saturday

ECA Coordinator’s Office – Christian Javier
E-mail: sportscoordinator@eurocampus.ph
Phone Numbers (02) 776-1000 (local 220)
Cellphone 0917-149-0842
HeroCampus Day
June 9, 2018 Saturday