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Liebe Eltern, liebe Schülerinnen und Schüler, liebe Lehrerinnen und Lehrer,


die offizielle Abschlussfeier der DESM für die SchülerInnen der Klassen 10 D und 12 am letzten Samstagabend war die Höhepunkt letzter Woche. Die SchülerInnen der beiden Klassen beendeten feierlich ihre Schul- und Mittelstufenzeit, indem sie ihre Zertifikate erhielten und sich von „ihrer“ Schule verabschiedeten. Ebenso verabschiedeten die Klassenlehrkräfte, der Schulleiter sowie der Vertreter der Botschaft, Herr Dr. Schissau, die SchülerInnen. Die Bilder der Abschlussfeier, der Bericht von Herrn Campbell sowie die Rede des Schulleiters geben Ihnen einen umfassenden Eindruck von dieser Feier.


Am Donnerstag, den 24. Mai, fand mit der Art Sale und Auction Gala im Auditorium die Unterrichtswoche ihren Abschluss. Unter dem Motto „A Night on the Red Carpet“ präsentierten das DESM Jugendorchester, das Gitarrenensemble sowie der gemischte Chor ihre Lieder aus berühmten Filmen und Musicals. Er war ein musikalisch gelungener und sehr unterhaltsamer Abend, die musikalischen Leistungen waren insgesamt sehr beeindruckend, wie die Fotos zeigen. Dem Dankesschreiben von Frau Ferrandon kann ich mich nur anschließen. Diese Feier findet ihre Fortsetzung mit der online-Bilderauktion, zu der Sie Details hier im Rundbrief finden. Um den Erwerb von Musikinstrumenten für unsere Schule zu unterstützen, kann ich Sie nur zum Mitmachen und Bieten anspornen.


Am Sonntagmorgen war die Schulleitung die DESM beim jährlichen US Memorial Day vertreten, um wie die anderen großen internationalen Schulen in Metro Manila auch Flagge zu zeigen und Kontakte zu knüpfen und zu pflegen.


Seit Montag nehmen unter der Leitung von Herrn Schweitzer fünf SchülerInnen der DESM aus den Klassen 10 und 11 am Mathecamp der deutschen Schulen Süd- und Ostasiens teil, um sich mit anderen Vertretern der deutschen Schulen in Mathematik auf anspruchsvollem Niveau zu messen. Ich bin auf die Berichte und Bilder sehr gespannt. 


Heute waren Kindergarten und Vorschule auf der Holy Carabao Holistic Farm in Sta. Rosa – auch hier bin ich auf das Feedback sehr gespannt.


Nächste Woche werde ich nicht an der DESM sein, da ich als Schulleiter mit unserem Verwaltungsleiter Herrn Ross die DESM beim Weltkongress der Deutschen Auslandsschulen (WDA) in Berlin vertrete. Dieses Treffen findet alle vier Jahre statt. Diese Zusammenkunft von Vertetern der 140 Deutschen Auslandsschulen und Repräsentanten von Auswärtigem Amt, Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen und WDA ist ein Zeichen der besonderen Bedeutung der Auswärtigen Kultur- und Bildungspolitik der Bundesrepublik. Aufgrund meiner Teilnahme wird sich nächste Woche mein Stellvertreter Herr Gabel an dieser Stelle zu Wort melden.



Mit den besten Grüßen

Dear parents, dear students, dear teachers,


With the graduation ceremony in Palms Club last Saturday for the students of grade 12 and 10 D this school year reached its end. Receiving their certificates it was time to say good bye to school or middle school. The class teachers, the Head of School, the representative of the German Embassy, Dr. Roland Schissau and Heads of Sections as well the students´ representatives delivered their festive speeches. The pictures taken, the report of Mr. Campbell and the graduation speech of the Head of School give you a comprehensive impression of this ceremony.


Last Thursday with the Music Concert Art Sale Auction the week came to an end. Under the motto „A Night on the Red Carpet“ the GESM Youth Ensemble, the Guitar Ensemble and the Mixed Choir presented songs from famous movies and musicals. This was a musically exciting and very entertaining evening, the students´ performances were really impressive as the pictures show. Here I should echo Ms. Ferrandon´s words of thanks. This musical event is continued with the online auction bidding for more students´ paintings. How to participate and bid please see the details given in this circular. I can only encourage you to participate and bid in order to help GESM to buy more music instruments for our students.


Last Sunday GESM school management participated in this year´s US Memorial Day to foster old and start new contacts like the other international schools of Metro Manila.


Since Monday accompanied by Mr. Mr. Schweitzer a group of five students of the grades 10 and 11 of GESM are in Beijing participating in the Math Camp of the German Schools of East and South East Asia. Who is capable to compete with the other representatives of the German schools in Mathematics on a higher and more demanding level takes part. I am really looking forward to the reports and pictures of this trip.


Today our kindergarten kids made a field trip to the Holy Carabao Holistic Farm at Sta. Rosa – here I am as well looking forward to the reports and pictures.


Next week I will not be at GESM due to my participation in the congress of the WDA – Weltverband Deutscher Auslandsschulen. Together with Mr. Ross I will represent GESM at this meeting which is held every forth year. This event of the representatives of the 140 German Schools abroad with participation of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ZfA (Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen) and the WDA is a sign of the importance of the German Cultural Relations and Education Policy. Due to my participation next week the Vice Principal of GESM, Mr. Martin Gabel, will write the message at this point.


With kind regards,


Andreas Thiergen

GESM Headmaster

GESM Graduation
GESM Graduation
GESM Graduation
GESM Graduation
GESM Graduation
GESM Graduation
GESM Graduation
GESM Graduation
GESM Graduation
GESM Graduation
GESM Graduation
GESM Graduation
GESM Graduation
GESM Graduation

Congratulations to our

GESM Graduates!

Members of the GESM community came together on Saturday 26 May at the Palms Country Club to celebrate Klasse 10 and Grade 12 and present students with their certificates.


The ceremony included addresses from Mr. Thiergen, Mrs. Huber, Mrs. Carcamo and the representative from the German Embassy, Dr. Roland Schissau (Deputy Chief of Mission). Eric Misselwitz’s address on behalf of Klasse 10 provided some excellent comic relief, while Ethan Floro, Philipe Janke and David de los Reyes reflected on their past, present and futures in representing the Grade 12 class.


The Grade 12 Special Awards were presented to Bea Preinsberger (GESM Diligence Award), David de los Reyes (GESM Academic Achievement Award), Adrian Misselwitz (GESM Academic Achievement Award) and Philipe Janke (GESM Academic Achievement Award and GESM Student Leadership Award).


The ceremony concluded with a stirring musical performance from James Ketcher and David Nitschke. A memorable evening was had by all the graduates, their teachers, families and friends.


We would like to thank Mrs. Concepcion for organising the graduation ceremony and Mrs. Janke for the beautiful bouquets presented to graduates. A very special thank you to our incomparable Master of Ceremonies, Mrs. Kroll, whose third year in this role was also sadly her last as we bid her farewell at the end of the school year.

Rede des Schulleiters anlässlich der DESM Abschlussfeier am 26. Mai 2018


Liebe Schülerinnen und Schüler,

Liebe Eltern,

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

sehr verehrte Gäste,


die Abschlussfeier ist traditionell einer der Höhepunkte des Schuljahres an jeder Schule – so auch bei uns.

Wir an der DESM haben traditionell immer zwei Abschlussfeiern:

  • der deutsche Zweig feiert seine Mittelstufenabschlüsse am Ende der Klasse 10

  • die Oberstufenschüler feiern den Abschluss ihrer Schulkarriere mit dem IB Diplom am Ende von Klasse 12

Dieser Doppelabschluss ist ein Zeichen des internationalen Charakters der DESM.

Für mich als Schulleiter der DESM ist es eine besondere Freude, diese beiden Abschlüsse zu feiern.

Für euch, Elle, Francesca, Annika, Sarah, Melanie, Tobias, Eric und Marius wird jetzt nach dem Ende der Mittelstufe an der DESM die Schule mit der IB-Oberstufe oder in Deutschland fortgesetzt.

Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass ihr alle erfolgreich das IB-Diplom- Programm und die Oberstufe in Deutschland absolvieren werdet – ihr habt dies durch das Bestehen der schriftlichen und mündlichen Prüfungen bewiesen, die auf gymnasialem Niveau durchgeführt wurden.

Mein Glückwunsch hier zu eurem erfolgreichen Übertritt in die gymnasiale Oberstufe.

Die IB-Diplom-Schüler müssen noch bis Anfang Juli warten, denn erst am 6. Juli werden die Ergebnisse von der IBO bekannt gegeben. Ich bin aber sehr zuversichtlich, dass alle unsere Absolventen die IB-Prüfung bestehen werden.

Neben den Schülerinnen und Schülern möchte ich hier all denen danken, die für ihre Vorbereitung im Unterricht sowie für die Organisation und Planung der Prüfungen in Klasse 10 und 12 verantwortlich waren.

Vielen Dank !


Now I continue in English



Dear graduates,

Dear parents,

Dear colleagues,

Distinguished guests,

Traditionally the graduation celebration in every school is a highlight of the school year – likewise at GESM.

Since many years at GESM we celebrate two graduation ceremonies at the end of the school year:

  • The German Section at the end of grade 10 celebrates the middle school diplomas

  • The students of the International Section at the end of grade 12 celebrate their IB certificates

There two graduations clearly reflect the international character of GESM.

As Head of School I am very happy to celebrate both graduations at the same time – not all German Schools abroad have the opportunity to offer two worldwide recognized diplomas for their students.

For you, graduates of the school year 2017/18, today school comes to its end – you finally made it. My congratulations !

Wherever you may continue your career I am sure you will successfully make your way. Although you have not yet received your official IBO results and have to wait until July 6 

I am optimistic that all of you will pass the IB exam.

I know GESM has equipped you with all necessary knowledge and skills to successfully pursue your career.

At this point my congratulations to this important academic achievement !

Focusing on the graduates and their achievements we must not oversee those who behind the scenes contribute to the academic success of our students. I know what hard work is required to make sure the students pass and the examinations go smoothly.

At this point I would like to take the opportunity to express my thanks to all involved as teachers preparing the students as well as the examination organizers.

Ending my welcome remarks I wish everybody a festive and entertaining Graduation evening here at Palms Country Club.


Thank you!!



Our year end festivity is just around the corner!


Make sure that you come and enjoy the day with us! As we do every year, GESM and LFM students will be performing that Saturday. LFM will take the morning slot and GESM will be in the afternoon. We'd like to invite you to check out our bazaar, try the different food offerings in our stalls, play games and try our rides & inflatables!


If you or someone you know is interested to get a booth at our Eurocampus bazaar, please send an email to Booth rental fees for parents, teachers or staff are at Php1,000 and Php1,500 for outsiders.


Watch out for more announcements in the next circular!



Art Auction

Online Art Auction

As announced at the Music and Arts Festival last week, some of the framed artwork will be auctioned off online as we ran out of time for all of them.


Bidding starts at Php 1,000.


Please click on the gallery below to view the entire collection. You may send your bids to


Special thanks go to Mr. Julien Ferrandon and to one of our board of directors, Mr. Jeremy Glen, for doing such a great job at auctioning our students' art pieces!


Music and Arts

Arts and Music Festival

Arts & Music Festival
Arts & Music Festival
Arts & Music Festival
Arts & Music Festival
Arts & Music Festival

We would like to thank our parents, students, teachers and staff who made the Arts and Music Festival 2018 a success.  It was a month full of activities that showcase the talents of our young artists.  The Festival ended with the Gala dinner with a theme “A Night on the Red Carpet” last Thursday, May 24 at 5:00 p.m. in the EIS Auditorium.


The event was well attended and we managed to raise around 50,000 pesos from the Art Sale and Auction.


Indeed it was a memorable evening listening to the performances from our GESM Ensemble, Mixed Choir, Guitar ensemble and last but not the least the Teacher’s Alternative Pop band with Mr. John Christian Ranolo guesting.


A big thank you and congratulations to our GESM families who won the bidding and bought the art pieces of our students: Mr. and Mrs. Carcamo, Mr. and Mrs. Bhaskar, Mr. and Mrs. Glen, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelissen, Mr. and Mrs. Manahan, Mr. and Mrs.  Mariles Garcia, Mr. and Mrs. Dragoiu-Luca, Mr. and Mrs. Burkard and Mr. and Mrs. Naval. 


Danke and thank you very much. Until our next festival.





Ralph Hoffmann, Nicole Huber, Cecil de Leon, Rachel Silverio and Sunshine Ferrandon




You are invited to play, jump, run and be a HERO on

SATURDAY, 9th of JUNE 2018


ALL families from the EUROCAMPUS are invited and encouraged to join this event where parents and children will have the chance to play together and challenge each other in sports and in the performing arts.


9:00 AM to 10:30 AM

Hip Hop, Theater, Ballet and Circus Arts Students





10:45 AM to 11:10 AM

Warm-up and Opening of the Hero Campus Day





11:30 AM to 3:00 PM

Registration for the activities will open at 9:30 AM






Activities                                                                                                                                                                                              8 Sports Activities: Football, Rugby, Basketball, Swimming, Boxing, Taekwondo, Yoga and Chess

4 Performing Arts Activities: Theater, Ballet, Hip Hop and Circus Arts

Cooking: A special booth will be open to all aspiring chefs.

Arts & Crafts: Face painting and other surprises for everyone.


HERO Quest - The adventure to become a Hero


Win your HERO MEDAL during the HERO CAMPUS DAY.

Students may get a medal after receiving a minimum of 5 stamps.

1 activity joined = 1 stamp



Important Information

  • The WAIVER FORM must be returned to the ECA OFFICE before Friday, 1st of June 2018.

  • Students from PRIMARY must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

  • Students must have proper sports gear, extra clothes, swim wear (if they want to join swimming), water bottle, cap/hat and sunblock.

  • There will be food and drinks for sale.



Hero Map Quest Guide

Step 1: Choose your activities and schedule.


Step 2: Register with the Coach of your chosen activity.


Step 3: Mark the location for each activity on the map. 


Step 4: Proceed to your registered activity.  Make sure you follow the schedule. 


Important: Make sure you get your map stamped after each activity.


Step 5: When all activities are done, bring your map with stamps to the awarding area (playground).


Step 6: Claim your hero medal.

Hero Campus Shirts for sale at Php 250

Limited Stocks only

ECA Coordinator’s Office – Christian Javier


Phone Numbers (02) 776-1000 (local 220)

Cellphone 0917-149-0842




Follow us:

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German European School Manila

Eurocampus, 75 Swaziland Street

Better Living Subdivision

1711 Parañaque City, Philippines


Tel: +63-2-8776-1000



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