Christmas @ GESM 2023
For most, it was a feeling lost and now returned. For some, it must have been a realization.
Save the Date: Eurocampus plans big for Élysée Week '23
GESM and the French school LFM are cooking something big...
Shoe Box Project: Delivered
For the second year in a row, GESM students, parents and teachers organized the Shoe Box...
A project concludes: The "Mindfulness Rice"
Vor einem Monat haben Herr Hook und Frau Bachmann in dem Club “Spaβ mit Yoga”...
School Reading Contest 2022 -Class winners showcase their skills!
Am Donnerstag, dem 08.12.22 war es an der DESM endlich wieder so weit. In der zweiten...
"Peter und der Wolf"
Herr Frank führte die Klassen 1-6 der deutschen und der englischen...
Together on St. Martin's Day
...the dark GESM sports field was lit by laughter and togetherness, as much as it was by the lanterns.
On your books, get set, go!
Endlich war es wieder soweit! Am 18.11.22 fand erneut...
2022 Spelling Bee Champions: House of Münster
Congratulations to this year's Spelling Bee Champions! The House of Münster. This...
"Martin war ein guter Man!" - Sharing with those who have less
In der Weihnachtszeit steht das Teilen und Schenken ganz besonders im Vordergrund...
Halloween Fun at GESM
Why not end the week in style? With their creative and spooky costumes, the German and...
Houses of Primary Honor their teachers with Thank You letters for World Teachers' Day
The Houses were busy on October 4th preparing their Thank You letters for "mailing" to their teachers...
Grade 1D and 2D explore Autumn
Einige Kinder haben viele Assoziationen mit dieser besonderen Jahreszeit, andere...
How old would Count Dracula be today?
Diese und andere Fragen zum Thema Halloween und Herbst beantworteten die Schüler...
Learning English with Movement
Die Kinder der ersten und zweiten Klasse der Deutschen Grundschule haben immer viel...
GESM celebrates German Unity Day with a bang
To mark the 32nd anniversary of German Unity Day on October 3, our primary schoolers...
Meeting the old me - The Time Capsule
Stell dir vor, du hältst einen Briefumschlag in den Händen. Auf diesem...
All About Me - Art & Project Lessons for Grades 1D & 2D
Das erste Projektthema in diesem Jahr handelt von der Auseinandersetzung...
New Teachers S.Y. 2022-23
GESM was once again reinforced with a fresh batch of new faculty members! Get to know them all...
Houses of Primary - Cheering Competition
We have finally officially opened the Houses of Primary....with a loud cheer! Now that they had the...
Making Decisions Together
Seit Anfang des Schlujahres tagt jede Woche Freitag der Klassenrat der Deutschen...
Let the Houses begin!
Let the Houses begin! This year's Houses is double the fun and excitement as both...
GESM Teachers Get Groovy
To loosen things up and get them going to start the school year, our teachers decided they'll do some dancing exercises on their first...
Einschulung: GESM 1st-graders get their welcome
Like with any other German school, GESM welcomed the new 1st-graders with a...