
Unity & Generosity at GESM's Christmas Bazaar 2023
The campus of the German European School Manila echoed...

Of Royals and the Poor
Did you know that the Royal Family lived in a charity in Payatas near the largest garbage dump of Manila?

Read? Read! Even better, read aloud!
Am 17.11.23 fand erneut der alljährliche bundesweite Vorlesetag statt. Lesen und...

Eurocampus donation in action
We are thrilled to share news of how the Eurocampus donation from the 24-Hour Swimming Challenge last January has made a tangible impact...

Diwali & Laternenfest at GESM with Grade 2E and 2D
What Makes A Community? According to our grade 2...

Manila Bay Excursion & Field Experiment: Exploring Environmental Challenges and Sustainable Actions
In November, students from the primary and secondary levels (grades 3-6) embarked on a fascinating excursion to Manila Bay, accompanied...

St. Martin's Day 2023 at GESM
What a magical evening at the German European School Manila as we celebrated St. Martin in true festive spirit! Our adorable preschoolers...

Pre-Autumn Break Halloween at GESM
Students were greeted with an unusual sight upon arrival on campus today: a masked candy-giver. It's the last day before the Autumn...

Dia de Muertos at GESM’s Art Club
based on texts by Tanne Jacometti This time, Mexico was the focus of the DESM art club, with the colorful holiday Dia de Muertos. The...

Coding is fun!
by Julia Krstovic On Monday, it's that time again, and the 11 students, get to learn the basics of computer science and programming with...

German Unity Day: Grand Celebration with the Primary Schoolers
by Veith-Alxander Böttcher Once again this year, German Unity Day was celebrated extensively at the primary school. First, the six houses...

Houses of Primary Opening Assembly
by the Student House Mentors There was an atmosphere of excitement and camaraderie as our Houses held our 1st assembly. After electing...

Coffee, Tea & PYP
by Viola Buck This year's PYP Coffee Morning was extra special with the participation of parents from both Grundschule and English...

GESM & Sustainability
by Grisela Ruiz Marti, Sebastian Schaffer & Esther Wittstock Last September 26, we were finally able to visit One Earth One Ocean's...

Celebrating World Teachers' Day at Primary Houses
based on text by Viola Buck On October 5, the Houses of Primary celebrated World Teachers' Day with heartfelt appreciation for their...

Informing and Debating on German Unity Day
by Ute Massow On October 6, 2023, students, teaching staff, and the German Ambassador Dr. Michael Andreas Pfaffernoschke gathered to...

Art Club Explores New Zealand-inspired Dot Paintings
based from text & photos by Tanne Jacometti GESM's Primary School Art Club, led by Ms. Tanne Jacometti, recently explored dot paintings...

Community and Fun Unite at GESM's Welcome BBQ
Last weekend, the GESM campus came alive with laughter and camaraderie as students and parents gathered...

Tiki: Maori Mask Journey
Der Grundschul-Kunstclub der GESM begab sich auf eine aufregende...

World of Colors: Quite Colourful Around Here
Die ersten Stunden im Primary Club „Welt der Farben“. Mit einen Strohhalm und ganz viel Luft und Puste haben die...

Herzlichen Glückwunsch to our 2023 Captains and Vice Captains!
The Houses have voted and this year, we have a new set of students leading their Houses! The election of the Captain and Vice-Captain...

The First-graders' Einschulung 2023-24
Am ersten Tag des Schuljahres 2023/24 wurden die neuen Erstklässler im Rahmen einer deutschen Tradition feierlich...

#WalangPasok: GESM's School Closure Policy
The safety of our students, faculty, and staff is our utmost priority. In...

Meet GESM's new teachers '23/'24
Another school year, another round of new recruits. Here are the newest additions to our teaching staff this S.Y. 2023-24! Jennifer Abel...