Library Regulations
Rules and Regulations
Please observe silence in the library.
Food and drinks are not allowed in the library.
Book which were removed from the shelves should be stored in the book return. The independent return of books to the shelves is not advised.
Each user must behave in the library in such a way that other users are not disturb. After a warning, further access to the library may be refused by the library staff.
Primary students are not allowed to bring/use cellphones in the library.
External toys, video consoles, sports equipment and other non-educational electronic devices are not permitted in the library. The library reserves the right to confiscate such items at its discretion. Confiscated items will be returned at the end of the school day.
The library must not be used a break room or lounge. Individuals / groups who do not use the library facility for their intended purpose will be asked to leave the library.
The library is not responsible for personal belongings of the students and reserves the right to inspect all bags, if deemed necessary.
Each library user may borrow 3 books/media at the same time.
Loan period is 3 weeks.
Also applicable to multimedia resources (audio books, DVDs, CDs, etc.):
1-week extension are only possible if the media is not reserved by other library users.
Fees will be collected if the book will lost/damaged.
Teachers/Staff can borrow number of books without limit, in condition to return the items by the time they will leave the school.
Please also note:
In the event of damage to borrowed books the last borrower is liable. Therefore, please check your books for damage before borrowing and report issues at the Circulation Desk.