by Ute Massow

Finally, the time had come again!
On 18.11.22 the annual nationwide reading aloud day took place again.

Reading and reading aloud is fun! Listening and reading aloud is pleasure, joy,
a wonderful shared experience, pure excitement, arouses curiosity and transports everyone into worlds and situations that one imagines when reading and listening.
Armed with selected books, Grade 10D set out to meet the German Primary students, who were already eagerly awaiting their readers.
This day showed what wonderful worlds can be discovered between the covers of two books.
At the same time, this Friday was the kick-off for the reading project "Our School Reads", in which every lesson, in every subject, with every teacher in the German middle school begins with the joint reading of a novel.
This is already a fun activity - but there's more to come. This date was also the start of the Class Reading Competition for grades 5 - 10. The best readers in grades 5 -7 and 8-10 will be determined on 8 Dec 2022 - so stand by! The winners will present their reading skills to a larger audience at the Christmas Event.
It's nice to know that there will be more activities around reading in the coming weeks and months. Next Friday we will continue with an exciting reading.
Many thanks to all who support the importance of reading!