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"Shadow Witch shrieks and laughs..."

by Sylvie Weyer | 1 October 2021

[This article was translated from German. To read it in the original, please click on the language button above.]

In the first four weeks of the new school year, the preschool children experienced exciting adventures on our journey to colour land.

The children dived into the world of colours via the arched bridge and experienced a lot together with pesonified colours. Due to the evil shadow witch, the lives of the colours were in danger as the witch dimmed their shine. The colours had to hide, they got help from the little light man, who helped them with this spell: "Shadow witch shrieks and laughs when she makes everything dark! Light Man, please come quickly, light up the world for us again!

Around the imaginative stories, the children learned about the variety of colours through experiments, puzzles, painting and mandalas.

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