by the GEB (Gesamtelternbeirat, "Parents' Advisory Council")

It was another informative morning as the GEB (Gesamtelternbeirat) or the GESM Parents’ Advisory Council met for their monthly meeting last February 5, 2020.
The Headmaster Herr Christoph Boris-Frank delivered his report to the group focusing mainly on the pedagogical matters while the School Administrator Herr Volker Ross explained about the current situation we have experienced (Taal Volcano and Coronavirus ) in the start of 2020 as well as what the school has been doing in terms of monitoring and addressing said situation at hand.
Other topics discussed with the group were :
- Improvement of the flow of information within the school community by evaluating the effectiveness of the channels of communication and system currently used in the school
- Protocols the school follow in dealing with specific situations
- Security issues in terms of who has access or who can gain entry in the school (possible implementation of an RFID system which has been on the table for the past 3 years)
- New parking and traffic policy in the morning from 7:00am to 7:45am
Should you want to know more details on the topics we have discussed or have comments, suggestions or anything you believe that the GEB is the proper forum to address them, kindly contact your class parent representative.

The GEB or "Gesamtelternbeirat" (Parents' Advisory Council) is an association of parents existing with the aim at bettering and maintaining good cooperation between parents and school management. Throughout the year, the GEB represents the interests of parents in monthly meetings with school management and provides an active platform for all sorts of improvements, ideas, and suggestions.
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