We are putting up an extensive programme on the afternoon of Dec 2 with sessions on study opportunities focusing in Australia, Switzerland, North America and -- of course -- Germany.
The following day, December 3, will feature a series of presentations from some of the most prestigious universities and higher education institutions around the world.



GESM students of the German/International Baccalaureate (GIB/IB) Diploma Programme (DP) and the IB Career-related Programme (CP) in Grades 11 and 12 lead the way in all aspects of the event’s organization, from the development of the program and publicity to coordination with partners and moderating during the event itself. GESM University Fair is an event made by students, for students. Such is the students’ engagement that the event was exhibited as a Best Practice example of a student-led project during IB’s Asia-Pacific conference in March 2021.
The GESM University Fair E-Booklet is
now available for download!
The Interactive E-Booklet will serve as your guide to the virtual fair. It contains all information you need to know about the fair including the programme schedule, speakers, and instructions on how to join our contest and win a laptop for you and your school.
Download the E-Booklet below:

About the Fair
GESM UNIVERSITY FAIR is an initiative of the German European School Manila (GESM) led by students and teachers of its German/International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (GIB/IBDP) and IB Career-related Programme.
The event aims to support high school students and fresh graduates in preparing for tertiary education and to spread awareness about higher education opportunities abroad, especially in Germany and in Europe.
About GESM
The GERMAN EUROPEAN SCHOOL MANILA (Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila) or GESM is an international, multi-lingual, co-educational school in the Philippines offering a full K-12
education, from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
We are an IB World School and a duly recognized UNESCO school that aims to develop students into global citizens committed to a sustainable future. The GESM is also part of a network of 140 German schools abroad accredited by the German government via the ZfA, the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen).
For more information, please send us an email or follow updates on our website and social media channels:
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