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#DonationDrive for Taal evacuees

by Viola Buck

In response to the immediate needs of the affected families displaced by the Taal volcano eruption, our school community responded in no time to put together useful and most needed items for the Taal evacuees.  

Through our partnership with the Lions Club International, Paranaque chapter, an international non-political service organisation, our donations reached the Taal evacuees temporarily taking shelter in a covered court in Tanauan, Batnagas.  Hundreds of families received their most needed food, clothing, toiletries and medicines.  

We are happy to have partnered with an organisation with a similar Mission and Vision to ours - to serve the communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding.  Thank you to everyone in the GESM family who took part in this humanitarian effort!  This is a great example of how we, as a school community exemplify our values of compassion and responsibility. 

The schedule of the next distribution of our community's donation is on January 25, 2020.  Thank you for all your support!


Lions Club International (LCI) is an international non-political service organization founded in 1917. With over 46,000 local clubs scattered around 200 countries, LCI administers and organizes various humanitarian projects an activities touching topics that include sight conservation, hearing and speech conservation, diabetes awareness, youth outreach, international relations, environmental issues, among others.


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