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New Teachers S.Y. 2020/21

Welcome the new faculty members of the German European School Manila this School Year 2020/21:


Eyleen Sarah Zube

Mein Name ist Eyleen Zube und ich komme aus Hamburg. Ich bin Diplom Sozialpädagogin und seit circa neun Jahren im Schuldienst tätig. Im Vorfeld meines Studiums arbeitete ich als Heil- und Erziehungspflegerin. Mein Fokus dort war die Arbeit mit Kindern mit Lernschwierigkeiten, geistigen/körperlichen Behinderungen, Autismus, etc. Meine Aufgabenschwerpunkte an der DESM sind zum einen sonderpädagogische Förderung, DaF und Beratung/Berufsberatung. In meiner Freizeit gehe ich gerne schwimmen, liebe es zu kochen und singe gerne (hier noch in einem Chor und einer Band). Ich freue mich sehr in diesem besonderen Schuljahr 2020/21 Teil der DESM zu sein.

My name is Eyleen Zube and I come from Hamburg. I have a degree in social pedagogy and have been working in as a teacher for about nine years. In the run-up to my studies I worked as a curative and educational nurse. My focus there was working with children with learning difficulties, mental/physical disabilities, autism, etc. My main tasks at GESM are special educational support, DaF and counselling. In my free time I like to swim, cook and sing (here still in a choir and a band). I am very happy to be part of GESM in this special school year 2020/21.


Elis Choi

Nach dem Abschluss meines Masterstudiums in Germanistik arbeitete ich mehrere Jahre als Lehrerin für Deutsch als Fremdsprache an der High School (Deutsches Diplom) mit einem DSD-Programm und an der Deutschen Schule Seoul International. Derzeit unterrichte ich Deutsch für die DESM online aus Seoul.

Ich freue mich sehr darauf, die internationale Schülerschaft sowie die Lehrerschaft mit ihren unterschiedlichen kulturellen Wurzeln kennen zu lernen. Das Vermitteln zwischen Kulturen finde ich schon seit meinem Studium in Deutschland besonders interessant. Vornehmlich wünsche mir eine intensive fachliche und interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kollegium. In meiner Freizeit reise ich gern, fahre Fahrrad und tanze Zumba. Meine Leidenschaft ist es natürlich, Deutsch zu sprechen!

After completing my master's degree in German Studies, I worked for several years as a teacher of German as a foreign language at the High School (German Diploma) with a DSD program and at the German School Seoul International. Currently I am teaching German for DESM online from Seoul. I am very much looking forward to getting to know the international student body as well as the teaching staff with their different cultural roots. Since my studies in Germany I find the mediation between cultures particularly interesting. Above all, I hope for an intensive professional and interdisciplinary cooperation with the faculty. In my free time I like to travel, ride my bicycle and dance Zumba. My passion is of course speaking German!


Jonathan A.G. Chandler

After a lifetime of Educating in Asia - I owned an English Academy and UK Homestay Immersion Travel Centre in Taipei, Taiwan for 25 years - I moved to Philippines. I have been working for Brent in Subic and Baguio in the Philippines for the last ten years. At GESM I teach IB English Language and Literature and TOK, plus Grades 6 and 7. I have been an IB Examiner (English Lit and Extended Essay) for the last 7 years. I am extremely excited to be joining GESM, and though the virus tempororarily prevails, I have just managed to move to Paranaque and the school.

Wishing all a wonderful, healthy and successful year ahead!


Glyn Lewis | History, International Section

I was born in the town of Stevenage, which is situated 40 Kms north of London and is famous for being the birth place of the racing driver Lewis Hamilton. After college I initially worked as a tax auditor for 7 years, but then decided I would like to help people by working in education. I have been a teacher for over 30 years, initially I taught in the United Kingdom at a variety of schools and colleges. I then taught at Brent School,Manila for eleven years. I have therefore lived in the Philippines for a large number of years. My hobbies include cycling, reading and working on the garden at my house.

I am very much looking forward to working at the school and hope to meet you all in due course.


Anita Granados | Homeroom teacher, International Primary

Ms. Granados always wanted to be an international teacher and therefore she has been taking part in different positions and projects around the globe. Either in international schools, as homeroom teacher, in Austria, UK or Germany, or as a volunteer teacher in Cameroon, Jordan or Brazil; the only way she knows teaching her heart out. Ms. Granados graduated in 2012 with a bachelor degree in “Primary Education”, she pursued her masters in “Clinical Psychology” and her QTS status in 2013. She continued her professional development with special needs and international education training and in 2018 she mastered the Montessori diploma.


Sylvie Weyer

Nach meiner Ausbildung zur Erzieherin war ich erst als Gruppenleiterin, später als Leiterin in privaten und öffentlichen Einrichtungen in Deutschland, Afrika und Asien tätig. Erfahrungen mit Kindern unter 3 Jahren bis zur Einschulung sowie die Arbeit in bilingualen Kindergärten Afrikas prägen meine Arbeit. Für meine pädagogische Arbeit im Kindergarten der DESM verfolge ich den roten Faden in folgendem Zitat:

„Solange die Kinder klein sind, gib ihnen Wurzeln,
sind sie älter geworden, gib ihnen Flügel “
(aus Indien)

Wichtig sind die kleinen Dinge des Lebens. Mit Freundlichkeit, ruhigen Gesten auf gegenseitige Wertschätzung achten und einen respektvollen Umgang zu anderen zu pflegen.

After my training as an educator, I first worked as a group leader and later as a manager in private and public institutions in Germany, Africa and Asia. Experiences with children under 3 years of age up to school enrolment as well as work in bilingual kindergartens in Africa shape my work. For my educational work in the GESM kindergarten I follow the red thread in the following quotation:

"As long as the children are small, give them roots,
they have grown older, give them wings "
(from India)

The little things in life are important. With friendliness, calm gestures, to pay attention to mutual appreciation and to cultivate a respectful interaction with others.


Katja Fössmeier

Hello, my name is Katja Fössmeier. I am thrilled to be part of GESM this year and teach French to my new students.

I am from Bavaria, Germany. Currently, I am living in Munich and my youngest son and I am waiting to get the visa to come to the Philippines. I went to University in Passau and got my teaching degree there.

After that, my husband, my little son and I moved to California, we lived there for almost ten years and had three more children (two girls and one boy).

When we moved back to Germany, I started teaching my subjects German and French and did that for 14 years.

Now, I am ready for a new adventure …


Alicia Kennedy

This is Alicia’s 17th year of international school teaching. Prior to joining GESM, Alicia worked in international PYP and IPC schools in Hong Kong, Brazil, Belgium, Vietnam, United Arab Emirates and China (Beijing). She acquired a Bachelor of Arts degree in English (Rhetoric and Professional Writing) with a minor in Psychology from the University of Waterloo, a Bachelor of Education in Primary/Junior Education from Queen’s University and a Master of Education specialising in Comparative International Education and Development from the University of Hong Kong. She comes from Kingston, Ontario Canada but has traveled to over 25 countries and counting. She loves to cook, write and explore new places in her free time. Alicia is excited to join GESM as the 4I Homeroom Teacher and to become an active member of the school community.


Sunil Kumar

ICT Teacher, International Section


Joanne Casanova

Math | Homeroom Teacher, IBDP


Christian Anies

PE and Swimming Teacher, International Section



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German European School Manila

Eurocampus, 75 Swaziland Street

Better Living Subdivision

1711 Parañaque City, Philippines

Tel: +63-2-8776-1000



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