
GESM delivers donations
Thank you so much to our generous families who were so eager to share and help in these endeavors!

Juhu! Der Nikolaus war da!
Our children got a surpise visit from none other than St. Nic himself!

A Series of Fortunate (Christmas) Events at the GESM
A Series of Fortunate Events are coming your way this Christmas!

Sankt Martin, Apfellaternen und Lichtertanz
Check out what our German section kids have been doing this month!

German Kindergarten has a new head
KiGa + Vorschule has a new head

"Der Superwurm" auf der grünen Wiese
The German preschoolers encounter the "Superwurm" on the green meadow.

KIKUS – Das bin Ich
Our Kindergarten kids learn about the self in their German class.

Ju hu, endlich wieder im KiGa!
It's back to school for our German Kindergarten kids. Check out what they were up to this week.

Eine Talentshow in der Vorschule wie nie zuvor | A Never-Before-Seen Preschool Talent Show
The German section preschoolers had a year-end talent show unlike anything ever seen at the school before.

"Es ist vollbracht!" Abschiedsfeier des Kindergartens | German Kindergarten's Farewell Party
The German Kindergarten threw a virtual farewell party for everyone! Check out the photos!

Would-be 1st Graders create their own "Schultüte"
Young pupils soon to move up to Primary School tried their hands at creating their own Schultüte at home!

Wer sagt, dass wir nicht reisen dürfen? | Who says we can't travel?
After so many weeks in the apartment, some of our German section Kindergarten kids decided to do a trip around the world.

Gemeinsam Sport auch auf Distanz | Doing Sports Despite the Distance
Our preschoolers do a number of different activities with their teachers via video call -- even sports!

Happy 100 Days of School!
Some of youngest pupils celebrated their 100th day in school! See how the celebrations went in this article.

Earth, Fire, Wind and Water
Our youngest pupils tackled the 4 elements this Environment Week -- Earth, Fire, Wind and Water.

Auf der Suche nach Obst und Gemüse
The German section Kindergarten went on a short field trip in search of fruits and veggies. Find out what else they were up to!