Intl Primary sets Student Houses
3rd Graders' Creative Posters in German
Students and teachers gear up for PYP Assembly
"Who am I?" - students introduce themselves in German
Captain Koala arrives from Australia
International Primary opens S.Y. 2020-21 with a dance-off!
PYP Schoolers Move Up!
Grade 1 Family Trees
An Amazing Speech in Deutsch
PYP Exhibition 2019-2020
"Meet & Greet" with Illustrator Írisz Agócs
Ein Brief an die Familie | A Letter to the Family
Students conduct notable interviews for PYP Exhibition
Hilarious Hybrid Animals
Making Mango Floats to Apply Science Lessons
Students Write Letters to the N-Corona Virus
The "German Challenge"
Young language learners summarize German fairy tale
Our Young Scientists in Action!
Recreating the Classroom at Home
SPORTTAGE an der DESM | Sports Days at the GESM
Deutschsprachige Ecke -- the German-Speaking Corner
Kinderfasching an der DESM